A little glimpse into the fabled and sometimes scary mind of Jason Wiseman

Monday, April 10, 2006


ho ho ho ho i say, its that time of year again when we all give me presents(no it isn't my birthday, i just like getting stuff) so please mail all your stuff to me asap. today i was thinking about marshamallows and their effects on mankind. think about it there puffy white and full of sugar(this train of thought is going nowhere)
i think i may have found my lifes work and i think it may be conducting it may be to soon to say but i'm learningso thats exciting.
well have a fantabulous day
loves and more loves
JASON D. WISEMAN (that isn't my real middle enitial


Blogger Meredith said...

Good deal, Jason D. Keep conducting somewhere between a hamster and a praying mantis... and good luck trying to get stuff out of us--nevah, I tell you! Nevah!

5:02 PM

Blogger Wiseman365 said...

A hamster on cocaine no less

6:25 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

mwahaha, cocaine...right on.

no presents for you cause you suck at updating your blog!


8:56 PM

Blogger Stephanie said...

you guys shouldn't talk about Lonnie like that...

4:14 PM

Blogger Michael said...

You got it all wrong J.D.
I'M the one you're supposed to give presents to this time of year.
I thought we had worked this out. I guess we're going to have to continue the counciling.
(sigh)I'll go make the apointment.

10:52 PM

Blogger Elaine Butler said...

I'm glad to hear about the conducting. I think you should start with a children's choir. They're easier to conduct than adults because 1) They have fewer parts to sing at the same time, 2)They have more time to practice, and 3) They pay attention better than adults.
Next year, you're running the Christmas choir. It's not too early to pick the music!

2:58 PM

Blogger Elaine Butler said...

Uh, Jason, you might want to put another "t" in your "hotest" link.

3:03 PM

Blogger Wiseman365 said...

there, happy?

8:00 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

what the hell?!?!

why am i now 'be.'?!?!?!

jason, i'm changing you to........................................................................................


11:57 PM


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